AOL Keyword Tool

AOL has released more than 20M web queries collected from ~650k users over three months (from March 1, 2006 - June 1, 2006). We'd like to present an easy web interface to analyze current data enhanced by most advanced stats.

Warning: Use of undefined constant QUERY - assumed 'QUERY' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/decent/public_html/cpl/%%37^373^373FFBCF%%search_by_keyword.tpl.php on line 7

Warning: Use of undefined constant UNIQUE_USERS_COUNT - assumed 'UNIQUE_USERS_COUNT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/decent/public_html/cpl/%%37^373^373FFBCF%%search_by_keyword.tpl.php on line 11
 Unique Users

Warning: Use of undefined constant SEARCH_VOLUME - assumed 'SEARCH_VOLUME' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/decent/public_html/cpl/%%37^373^373FFBCF%%search_by_keyword.tpl.php on line 20
 Search Volume

Warning: Use of undefined constant MOST_POPULAR_ITEM_RANK - assumed 'MOST_POPULAR_ITEM_RANK' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/decent/public_html/cpl/%%37^373^373FFBCF%%search_by_keyword.tpl.php on line 29
 Top Clicked Position

Warning: Use of undefined constant MOST_POPULAR_SITE - assumed 'MOST_POPULAR_SITE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/decent/public_html/cpl/%%37^373^373FFBCF%%search_by_keyword.tpl.php on line 38
 Most Users Ended Up
cnn news 253 528 1
cnn 14 22 1
cnn newsw 2 3 0
cnn news wire 1 1 0
cnn news oldest turtle dead 1 1 4
cnn news on joseph p. ganim 1 1 0
cnn news on joseph p. ganim corruption 1 1 0
cnn news poles 1 2 0
cnn news reporters atlanta 1 1 0
cnn news staff--aaron brown 1 3 1
cnn news teen flees religious cult may 25th 2006 1 1 0
cnn news ticker 1 1 3
cnn newshttp 1 1 0
cnn news women 1 1 0
cnn news world 1 1 2
cnn news. bush orders 15 000 fbi trained dogs to track down osama. fbi awaiting further orders as one of the dogs is reading this 1 1 2
cnn news. com 1 3 1
cnn newsroom 1 1 0
cnn newsclips on natalie holloway 1 3 0
cnn 1 1 0
cnn news former anchor len vaughn 1 1 0
cnn news .com 1 2 1
cnn news abortion law 1 3 1
cnn news anchor 1 1 0
cnn news anchors 1 1 4
cnn news anchors atlanta 1 1 0
cnn news anchors atlanta makeup artists 1 1 8
cnn news barbaro 1 1 9
cnn news channel 1 1 2
cnn news correspondents 1 1 0
cnn news on illegal immigrants 1 5 1
cnn news former anchors 1 3 13
cnn news highlights on daytona supercross 1 1 0
cnn news immigration 1 1 2
cnn news japan security alert 1 1 0
cnn news joseph p. ganim 1 1 0
cnn news live 1 1 0
cnn news mjj ranch is for sale 1 1 0
cnn news ny city 1 4 0